All the cameos you didn’t notice, who lived and died, and a crazy amount of trivia.
Patrick Lussier
This Is Gonna Hurt: Patrick Lussier Spills the Tea on ‘Stab’
The ‘Stab’ sequence has a wild untold story! Patrick Lussier reveals secrets about Wes Craven, Robert Rodriguez, and the lost footage that might return in Scream 5!
Alternative Killer Voice of SCREAM
Listen to the voice of Tom Kane, the one who almost was Ghost Face.
Still Screaming: Revealing Scream 3’s Alternate Beginnings
Still Screaming reveals alternate opening sequences for Scream 3. Learn about Kevin Williamson’s original ideas and unused scenes!
First Look at Scream: The Inside Story
Get a first look at A&E Biography Channel’s Scream: The Inside Story.