The wait is over, Screamers! We’ve just received confirmation that this chilling design is the official poster for Scream 4.
This new artwork focuses on the eerie simplicity of Ghost Face’s signature look merging with a knife, paired with a tagline that stirs our anticipation for April’s release. It’s haunting, stylish, and everything you’d expect from the Scream franchise.
While this design has fans buzzing, many are still wondering if we’ll also see a more traditional cast poster before the movie’s premiere. Either way, this one has already earned a place in our hearts—and possibly on our walls.
What do you think of the design?
There’s more! Another version of the poster has surfaced!
- Scream 4 written in two distinct styles.
- The tagline and release date displayed in varied colors.
If you’re a fan of collecting posters, this evolution of Scream 4 promotional art is worth keeping an eye on.
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