Released in late 2011, Scott Kessinger’s book, Scream Deconstructed: An Unauthorized Analysis, expanded the growing body of media surrounding the Scream franchise. With the release of Scream 4 on home entertainment, the original trilogy on Blu-Ray, and two major documentaries revisiting the series, it was the perfect time for a thoughtful film analysis book.
A Fresh Perspective on Scream
For fans of intelligent discussions about their favorite movies, TV shows, and games, Scream Deconstructed offers a refreshing and unprecedented look at the series.
Kessinger dives deep into the themes of the Scream films, tackling thought-provoking topics like the battle of the sexes to explore the architecture and philosophy of the quadrilogy. What sets the book apart is its ability to propose compelling ideas while still leaving space for the reader to form their own conclusions.
It’s very unusual for an author to accomplish that mission. Kessinger makes you think profoundly and profusely about something you may believe you know so well.
A Must-Read for Fans
Kessinger’s approach to Scream’s layered themes and cultural commentary will leave fans saying, “How on earth have I never realized that?” It’s a lecture in the best sense of the word—mind-expanding, engaging, and deeply rooted in the philosophy encapsulated in the films.
Whether you’re a longtime Screamer or new to the franchise, this book is a must-have addition to your collection.
- Title: Scream Deconstructed: An Unauthorized Analysis by Scott Kessinger
- Publisher: Stinger Books
- Length: 160 pages
- Formats: Print ($9.99 USD), Kindle, and Nook ($3.99 USD)
- Official site:
Dive into the philosophy of Scream with this thought-provoking book—an essential read for any fan of the franchise.
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