
The SCREAM 5 masks

Exclusive look on the masks sent to the filming locations!

Fun World, Ghost Face, R.J. Torbert, Scream 5

During the early stages of filming of the new SCREAM flick a controversy was born. R.J. Torbert, Fun World‘s licencing director, said during an interview with GhostFace.co.uk‘s Tim Wagstaff that the killer’s mask wouldn’t be the ultra white – meaning the masks that are usually sold in stores.

The Ghost Face collectors immediately got what he meant, but the general people struggled to understand and pretty soon the most different theories started to pop up: silver masks, the red ones, a totally different design… I get tired just remembering how the fandom – and even British newspapers – distorted that info.

Here is a little mold sheet that can, maybe, help you to understand how many versions of the Ghost Face masks were commercialized over the years. Not even considering the variant themed types. This was saved from a post on this Facebook Community, from a comment from Wade Elibon.

But Torbert was referring to the production masks – the ones that are made for the SCREAM films and TV show. Those masks are manufactured with different material, mold and finishing touches.

Then Fun World sends several of those to the filming sets – this time around there were 100 masks on location.  And, whenever one of those appears on screen, it is promoted to hero mask.

When the movie wraps, a few are  given to the crew and the ones that are left return to Fun World‘s office in New York.

And that’s the point where magic happens: R.J. gives some of it to very lucky people, like Meggy Blaine and Robert Alexander Scott. This time, Torbert sent a note to them explaining that those were on set, but there’s no guarantee that those are hero masks (screen used).

Although no one can confirm if this mask was used in the movie, that doesn’t stop my imagination from running wild and thinking about all the ways it might’ve been used. But even if the mask just sat there on set, it’s still so cool. The fact that the cast and crew risked their health and safety during a global pandemic just to make this movie for us fans means everything to me. Every time I look at this mask, that’s what I think about and that makes me smile“, said Robert.

Meggywho you must remember from this article – received her SCREAM 5 mask after collaborating with R.J. on a donation to 4Ocean. Her mask distinguishes from any other masks that appeared over social media in the past weeks.

The mask, in my opinion, is honestly beautiful. I love its shape, the fabric, and its unique hood. The fabric definitely gives me old school SCREAM vibes and I wonder if that’s a hint to anything happening in the movie. It’s an EU stamp and has no vanilla smell. Inside the mask, there is a strap the user can wear around their head to keep the mask in place“, describes Meggy.

The mold used for this one, the EU STAMP (abbreviation to the Easter Unlimited stamp behind, carved on the mask’s chin back in the 90s) is definitely back – just like the nostalgic original vibes SCREAM 5 is giving.

* Pretty soon, Meggy will be doing a video showing her mask in detail, be sure to subscribe to watch!

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